When it comes to Italian food, we just can’t stop sharing the many delicious Italian dishes that you could find! Are you looking for the best Italian frittata recipe? For all of you searching for an authentic Italian frittata recipe, I have some good news! We are sharing below our 10 favorite traditional Italian frittata recipe options while I myself am preparing my frittata right now. You’ll find below the Italian potato frittata recipe, veggie frittata recipe, and mushroom frittata recipe, among other great and easy frittata recipe options. Let’s see those 10 best frittata recipes then!
10 best frittata recipes – traditional Italian frittata recipe
When it comes to an authentic Italian frittata recipe you must remember just one thing. The quality of the ingredients is always what makes a frittata authentic! For those looking for an Italian omelette frittata recipe, remember that the omletett and frittata are more or less the same things. I also included some ideas for an Italian easter frittata recipe, an Italian sausage frittata recipe, a veggie frittata recipe, zucchini frittata recipe, and more!
To make a frittata is really easy, so if you’re looking for an easy frittata recipe, all the 10 included in this list of best frittata recipes will definitely be easy to make! If you’ve been wondering which one I’m preparing while writing this post, it’s the sausage frittata recipe. A real gem to make our stomachs happy!
Now in the below frittata recipes, I did not add the three basic ingredients that you should use to all of them: salt, pepper, and olive oil so make sure that you don’t forget any of these. In the recipe descriptions themselves, you will be reminded of these anyway!
1. Frittata with spicy sausage and Scamorza

Italian frittata recipe: Frittata with spicy sausage and scamorza cheese – 2 servings
- 4 Eggs
- 100gSpicy Sausage
- 50g Scamorza cheese
- 1 small Onion
- 50g Grana Padano cheese
When it comes to the best Italian frittata recipe or traditional Italian frittata recipe, I definitely vote for the sausage frittata recipe! To make this dish is really simple! First, chop the onion finely, and in a pan on medium heat cook it in Olive oil until it gets translucent. In the meantime chop or slice the spicy sausage too, and add it to the onion.
Fry the sausage a little bit, but be careful not to burn the onions. While these get ready, grate some Scamorza cheese, or alternatively some other soft smoked cheese, and beat up the eggs. Season the eggs with salt and pepper after taste, then take the onions and sausage out from the pan, leave it a few seconds to cool down, and mix it together with the eggs, adding to it the Scamorza and the Grana Padano cheese. You can use alternatively Parmesan cheese if you can’t find Grana Padano.
Once it’s all mixed, put some more oil in the pan, add in your sausage and egg mix, cover it, and cook it under the lowest heat for 10 minutes. Check if the middle of the top is cooked well, and if so, it’s ready to serve! Definitely, one of the best Italian sausage frittata recipe options to try!
2. Zucchini frittata recipe

Italian frittata recipe: Zucchini frittata recipe – 2 servings
- 4 Eggs
- 1 medium Zucchini
- 50g Gouda Cheese
- 6 cherry tomatoes
- 50g Grana Padano cheese
When it comes to a Zucchini frittata recipe, I always prefer instead of the frittata to make a torta salata with zucchini. However, made as frittata is amazing as well! If you’re looking for an authentic Italian frittata recipe, this is one of the best Italian frittata recipe options out there! The Zucchini frittata recipe is also a great Italian easter frittata recipe and an amazing option for those looking for a veggie frittata recipe!
So how to make a zucchini frittata recipe? First of all slice the zucchini in thin slices. If you have a larger one, you can first cut it in two and slice it after. The next step is to heat up some olive oil in the pan, just enough for the zucchini to not get stuck, and on medium heat fry/cook them until you see they start getting translucent and soft. Season the zucchini while it’s in the pan with black pepper, since this gives cooked zucchini a stronger taste. Also, salt it.
Chop the cherry tomatoes in two, and add these to the zucchini when those are about halfway ready. Don’t forget to stir them from time to time and make sure that they don’t get burned. In the meantime, beat up the eggs, add salt, pepper after taste, and mix the grated Gouda cheese and Grana Padano in. Once the zucchini is cooked, take it off the stove, and leave it to rest for a few minutes while you prepare the pan again to make the frittata itself.
Mix the zucchini and tomatoes into the egg mix, verse it into the pan, cover it, and under the lowest heat cook for about 10 minutes. At this time, check if it’s properly cooked in the middle, and if so, it’s ready to serve. Definitely a great option for those who were looking for a Zucchini frittata recipe!
3. Porcini Frittata – mushroom frittata recipe

Italian frittata recipe: Porcini Frittata with potatoes – 2 servings
- 4 Eggs
- 80g Porcini mushrooms
- 100g Potatoes
- 2tbsp Parmesan cheese
- Fresh parsley
Italian potato frittata recipe – Italian frittata recipe – Italian omelette frittata recipe – traditional Italian frittata recipe – easy frittata recipe – veggie frittata recipe – mushroom frittata recipe
4. Italian potato frittata recipe

Italian frittata recipe: Italian potato frittata recipe – 2 servings
- 4 Eggs
- 150g potatoes
- 100g salted Ricotta cheese
- 2tbsp Parmesan cheese
- Rucola – optional
When you’re looking for the best authentic Italian frittata recipe to make, this one isn’t really a traditional Italian frittata recipe, but it is still one of the best Italian frittata recipe options out there! The Italian potato frittata recipe is really similar to the Spanish omelette (Tortilla de Patatas), but still a bit different.
So one of the best frittata recipes always includes potatoes. Within this recipe, you should first peel the potatoes, and slice them as thin as you can – but make sure they are not as thin as chips (UK: crisps) would be. About 1cm-1.5cm thin they are perfect! Heat up olive oil in a large pan, enough that it will cover the potatoes, then fry them.
When you’re seeing that they are getting golden, take them out and place them into another pan or an ovenproof skillet either flat, either as you can see in the above picture, in rose petal style. I’ll be explaining the next steps based on the form of rose petals though! Beat up 2 whole eggs and 2 egg whites, season with salt, and pepper, and two egg yolks you can place on top of the potatoes. If you’re making this frittata for more than 2 servings, just double the numbers. Mix the eggs the ricotta and the parmesan cheese, then pour them on top of the potatoes.
With this recipe, you’re free to choose to bake it in the oven, or cover the pan and cook it on the stove. Both options are great, though I prefer to bake it in the oven. If you’re doing it on the stove, the 10-minute rule that you have already seen in the other recipes works. Otherwise, if you’re baking it in the oven, preheat the oven to 200 and bake it for about 15 minutes (it might take even 20). If you like Rucola, you can use that as a garnish at serving.
5. Frittata wrap

Italian frittata recipe: Frittata wrap – 2 servings
- 4 Eggs
- 120g Ham
- 50g Gouda cheese
- 50g Parmigiano cheese
- 6-8 Cherry tomatoes
When it comes to an Italian frittata recipe or more precisely traditional Italian frittata recipe, the frittata wrap isn’t traditional but is still much loved. So, if you want to make a great Italian omelette frittata recipe but you’re looking more for an alternative, the frittata wrap will be a great choice. It’s also a great alternative for an Italian sausage frittata recipe or a mushroom frittata recipe!
What you should do first is to cut the ham into smaller pieces and shred the Gouda cheese. Chop the cherry tomatoes into 4 pieces, so it’s easier to work with them. Then, beat up the eggs, and season with salt and pepper, while also heating up a pancake pan with some olive oil, and add just enough in to make it a thinner pancake. I’d say about 1cm- 1.5 cm thick is enough. Then, you literally have to cook the eggs as if you’d be doing thin pancakes.
While you’re making the egg pancakes, in another small pan put some olive oil, heat it up, and add the tomatoes and the ham to sautee them for about 5-7 minutes. Once your pancakes are ready, spread gouda cheese and parmesan on them, add the tomato and ham mix, and simply just wrap them up.
6. Frittata Primavera

Italian frittata recipe: Frittata Primavera – 2 servings
- 4 Eggs
- 1 red Bell Pepper
- 1 Tomato
- 60g Spinach
- 1 small onion
- 2 cloves Garlic
- 50g smoked Scamorza cheese
When you’re looking for an authentic Italian frittata recipe, especially for a veggie frittata recipe, one of the best frittata recipes is definitely the Frittata Primavera. This might also be one of the healthiest frittatas that you could make. So let’s see how to make one of the best Italian frittata recipe options! Oh, and if you’re looking for an Italian easter frittata recipe, this is again a great pick!
So, chop the bell pepper, tomato, and onions. They can be chopped smaller or bigger, depending on how you like them. Wash the spinach too, and separate 80/20% of it. Also, get the garlic minced too before you’d start cooking. Now, heat up the olive oil in a pan, add first the onion, 2 minutes later the bell pepper, then 2 minutes later the tomato, minced garlic, and 80% of the spinach. Cook them until they get softened up.
In the meantime, beat up the eggs, season them with salt and pepper and add the shredded Scamorza (or other soft smoked cheese) to the eggs with the leftover spinach. Once the veggies are ready, take them out of the pan, let them cool for 1-2 minutes, then add them to the eggs. Prepare the pan with some olive oil, heat it up, add your frittata mix, cover and cook for 10 minutes.
7. Frittata with Asparagus

Italian frittata recipe: Frittata with Asparagus – 2 servings
- 4 Eggs
- 200g Asparagus
- 1 small red onion
- 50g salted Ricotta/Cottage cheese
- 1tbsp Parmesan cheese
- 1/2 tbsp minced fresh chives
- 1/4 tsp dried tarragon
To make an asparagus frittata you can do it multiple ways. This Italian frittata recipe is a more simple one with fewer ingredients, but you can always add bell pepper too if you prefer. If you are looking for an Italian omelette frittata recipe with asparagus, a veggie frittata recipe, but overall an easy frittata recipe, then this is one!
Your first step is to chop the asparagus into small pieces, but you can leave 1 or 2 that you’d use for garnish. Also, mince the fresh chives and chop the onion. Add olive oil to the pan, heat it up, and add first the onions to cook. This should be followed about 3-4 minutes later by the asparagus, which you should leave to cook for about 4 minutes more.
In the meantime, beat up the eggs, add the minced chives, the dried tarragon, the ricotta, and parmesan cheese, and season with salt and pepper after taste. Once the veggies are cooked, let them cool down for 1-2minutes, then mix them into the eggs. Prepare the pan with olive oil, heat it up, add your frittata mix, cover it and cook for about 10 minutes.
8. Pancetta Frittata

Italian frittata recipe: Pancetta Frittata – 2 servings
- 4 Eggs
- 80g Champignon mushrooms
- 80g Pancetta
- 1 small Tomato
- 1/2 small Bell Pepper
- 70g smoked Scamorza cheese
- 6 leaves of fresh Basil
After I moved to Italy in 2020, for about 2 months the Pancetta frittata was my favorite brunch dish to make. I’m calling it brunch since I’m not really eating breakfast, so I rather do 1 person brunch. When you’re looking for an authentic Italian frittata recipe, the frittata with Pancetta is a great one! For me, this is still one of the best Italian frittata recipe, and it’s a really great option for the Italian easter frittata recipe, or if you’re looking for something similar to an Italian sausage frittata recipe.
What you need to do is to slice the mushrooms, dice the tomato and bell pepper as finely as you can, and chop the basil leaves. Heat up the pan with 1/2 tbsp of olive oil and add the pancetta cubes in first. Cook them until you see they are red and crispy. Then add another tbsp of olive oil, and the pepper first, then the mushrooms after 2 minutes, and the tomatoes about 5 minutes later. Cook them in total for about 10 minutes, so everything gets soft and cooked nicely.
While the veggies get ready, beat up the eggs, and season them with salt, pepper, and chopped basil. Also, shred 1/3 of the smoked Scamorza and add to the eggs. If you can’t find Scamorza, a softer smoked cheese can be a great replacement. Once the veggies are ready, let them 1-2 min to cool down, then mix them into the eggs. Prepare the pan with some olive oil to not be sticky, heat it up, add the egg mix, and cover it. Cook on the lowest heat for about 5 minutes. At this time, slice finely the rest of the Scamorza (or other smoked cheese) and place the slices on top of the frittata. After that, cover it again, and cook for another 5 minutes.
9. Frittata with cherry tomatoes and eggplant

Italian frittata recipe: Frittata with Cherry tomatoes and Eggplant – 2 servings
- 4 Eggs
- 50g salted Ricotta/Cottage cheese
- 6-8 Cherry tomatoes
- 1 small Eggplant
- 1 small red Onion
- 1tbsp Parmesan cheese
Still, looking for the best Italian frittata recipe? For those who want to find a veggie frittata recipe, something that’s similar to the zucchini frittata recipe, but it’s still a traditional Italian frittata recipe… Well, the cherry tomato and eggplant option should be a great pick!
As you can see, Italians love simple, veggie frittata recipes, so this one will be easy to do as well! What you need to do first is to slice the eggplant. If you’ve got a fatty one, cut it first in half, then slice it. Also, chop the cherry tomatoes in either two or four. At the same time, slice finely the onion as well. Take a large pan, pour some olive oil into it, and heat it up. Add about 80% of the onions, and saute until translucent. Then, add the eggplants first and fry them for about 5 minutes, while you see it’s starting to get soft. Add the tomatoes to it and cook it on medium heat for another 5 minutes. If the eggplant is not soft enough, cook it for a little bit longer!
In the meantime, beat up the eggs, season them with salt and pepper, and add the ricotta and parmesan cheese as well as the leftover onions. Once your veggies are cooked, let them cool down for 1-2 minutes, then mix them with the eggs and prepare the pan for the frittata. Add some olive oil to the pan, heat it up, then pour your egg mix in it, cover it, and cook on low heat for about 10 minutes. Check if it’s ready, and if so, you can serve!
10. Mushroom and pepper frittata

Italian frittata recipe: mushroom frittata recipe – 2 servings
- 4 Eggs
- 100g Champignon mushrooms
- 1 red Bell Pepper
- 50g Gouda cheese
- 2 tbsp Parmesan cheese
- Fresh Parsley and Basil
And our last Italian frittata recipe, that’s also one of my favorites, is the mushroom frittata recipe. As you’ve seen there were other types of Italian omelette frittata recipe ideas where I’ve been using mushrooms, but this one I prefer more since it has a fresh, light taste, and very few ingredients. The Mushroom frittata recipe is a great choice also if you’re looking for an Italian easter frittata recipe, or well, just simply an easy frittata recipe.
The first step to make the mushroom frittata recipe is to slice the mushrooms and the bell pepper too. the thinner the slices, the faster it’s cooked, and the lighter the overall taste will be. Heat up 2 tbsp of olive oil in a pan, add the mushrooms and the pepper and cook them for about 10 minutes, stirring it from time to time. Do all this on medium heat so it doesn’t get burned. While they are cooking, chop the parsley and basil (I usually use about 1/2 tsp of parsley and 6 basil leaves).
Beat up the eggs, and add the salt and pepper after taste, but you can season the veggies as well that you’re cooking. Again, depending on taste! Shred the gouda cheese, and add that as well as the Parmesan cheese to the eggs. Once the veggies are cooked, as with all the above frittatas, take them out from the pan, let them cool down a little, then mix them into the eggs. Prepare the pan with olive oil, add your frittata mix, cover, and cook it for 10 minutes. Then check if it’s all cooked, and serve. The mushroom frittata recipe with bell peppers is definitely one of the best frittata recipes you could pick!
10 of the best Italian Frittata Recipes – Veggie frittata recipe
Now as you can see, an Italian frittata recipe changes depending on taste, but the process and the basics stay the same. I really do hope you’ve found the perfect pick for an authentic Italian frittata recipe, enjoy your brunch or breakfast with Italian frittata before you take your shoes and leave. We tried to collect the best Italian frittata recipe option, including some of the traditional Italian frittata recipe choices. If you were looking for an Italian potato frittata recipe, an Italian sausage frittata recipe, a Zucchini frittata recipe, or even a mushroom frittata recipe, we’ve covered all of these! And now, it’s time for me to finish my sausage frittata recipe and eat. Buon Apetito!